Graypple Blog Design a Perfect Mobile App Icon- Key Tips

Design a Perfect Mobile App Icon- Key Tips

Your mobile app’s icon holds equal importance as your mobile app.


After all users create the first impression of the app looking at the mobile app icon.

And it should be enticing enough to make people click and download.

So, how do you design an app icon that stands out?

We have compiled top tips to design an excellent app icon. Follow these best practices while designing the app icon, and attract your target audience.


Did you know an average smartphone user regularly uses 41 apps? So, while designing an app icon, the aim should be to secure a place in these essential apps.

  • App store discovery accounts for about 70% of app downloads. So, your app’s icon acts as a visual representation of your app and defines your brand identity.
  • Research shows when making a purchase decision, 92.6% people put the most importance on visual factors.

Tips to Make an App Icon Perfect

Simple, Bold, and Unique

If you can communicate your product simply, you are most likely to sell too much of it. For your mobile app icon, the same business idea applies.

People look for the easiest way to get the products and services they want. Thus, if your app icon is simple and clear, you are most likely to get maximum downloads.

Too many shapes and colors will clutter your app ico, making it harder for users to understand its purpose. A simple design is soothing to the eyes as well. Simple icon design is easy to recognize and remember.

However, is the simplicity alone enough to entice the users? No.

The icon should be bold and unique to get that immediate attention.

For example, the Spotify app icon is bold and unique. It conveys the app’s purpose. The three lines in the center convey the rising music of the speaker.

Studying the designs of your competitors can help. Discover how they show their product and services. And try to put elements that make your app unique from them.

While searching for a camera and photo editing app, you will find dozens of apps with a camera icon. With so many apps having a similar icon design, it is difficult to stand out.

Therefore, it would be wise to think of a different approach to present your camera and photo editing app. Or you can add a bold element or choose vibrant colors to the traditional icon to make it apparent and clearly visible.

Make your icon Recognizable

Your app icon competes for attention among 2 million apps on the app stores. Immediate impact and a connection with users will help make it recognizable among others.

The app design should immediately convey what services the app offers. For example, most e-mail applications use an envelope in their icon that conveys sending a digital letter or email.

The design, colors, and shape of the icon must resonate with users and their purpose. The design should immediately give a sense of connection functionally and emotionally.

The proper sizing

Google and Apple require companies to submit the app icon in different sizes for different contexts. A different size for the app store, the built-in Settings app, and notifications.

Apple requires different icon sizes for different devices. For example, the icon size for iPhone is 60×60 pt, while for iPad Pro it is 83.5×83.5 pt.

Further, the icon shape should be square. Google and Apple automatically apply a mask that rounds icon corners for consistency throughout the app store.

Keyline shapes as a guideline

Designers can implement app icon keylines into the grid to maintain consistent visual proportions. They can choose one core shape (e.g. square, circle, horizontal or vertical rectangle) and use the baseline to create the icon’s symbol.

Implementing the app’s logo according to keylines with a simple background will ensure the icon is simple and consistent visually.

Shadows and highlights

Adding shadows and highlights give an app icon more depth and definition. However, Google Play Store and the Apple Store have their specific guidelines which designers must follow.

For instance, Google Play automatically adds a drop shadow to the icons after submission. So, designers can avoid adding it manually. Designers can read Material guidelines before designing the icons for consistency.

A/B test your app icons

Testing the design for different variations of the app icon will help create a perfect app icon. Designers can use tools like UsabilityHub’s five second tests.

Google Play Console allows users to run A/B tests with up to three variants, view the test results, and apply changes to the published apps.

After the new IOS 15 update, designers can do native A/B testing in the Apple App Store through Product Page Optimization.

Don’t include words

Do not try to write a word or avoid putting your app’s name into the icon.

The app icon looks tiny on a smartphone screen. So, if you write a name in the icon, users will find it difficult to read. The app name will be visible in the title anyways.

It is advised to avoid adding long text to the icon. The app description explains the app’s purpose.

However, some iconic app icons use text. For example- Facebook and Google.

The design is successful because it includes the first letter in a bold and unique shape. Secondly, these are well known brands and thus, the first letter of their brand name works.


Designing an outstanding app icon will be easier with these tips and guidelines. Get creative and start designing an icon that resonates with your brand well.

If you seek professional help to design an icon for your mobile app, Graypple can help. Contact us with your design requirements and we are happy to design the perfect icon for your product.


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